Monday, March 24, 2008
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Shakespeare by Another Name by Mark Anderson
Marie D'Agoult: The Rebel Countess by Richard Bolter
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Bye Bye JudeThe Madness!!
Something Green For St. Paddy's Day
Portrait of Clemmie with Dodecahedron
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Mustaa Villaa
My Middle Name is Patience
My Paper Crane
oh fransson!
Old Red Barn Co.
One Red Robin
Posie Gets Cozy
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Stumbling Over Chaos
Tea Leaves
The Cotton Monster
The Ottobre Design Blog
What Housework?
Yarn Harlot
Some of the Sponsor Blogs I Read
Children InternationalChildren of Poverty
Make a Change
Paola's Blog
A Project of Love
Some of the Other Blogs I Read
18th CenturyCLEWS
History Undressed
Parrot Musings
Perfume Posse
Post Secret
Scandalous Women
Seduced by History
Small Magazine
The Duchess of Devonshire's Gossip Guide

those things are so awesome! they remind me of some sort of underwater something something that would stick to me if I ever were to come into contact with it in the open water! They're so neat, what are you doing with them? You should totally try selling them. I feel like any kid would be more than willing to cough up some money for a prickly underwater something of their own! Happy Crafting!!!
And bye Jude. Too bad but yee-ouch. How's the finger after all that crocheting?
Those are so cool!
WOW- those are great love them..where did you get the pattern? I've been away and see I missed the birdy happenings. Hello Lucy and bye Jude..though it sounds for the best!
Very cool!!
I am no crocheter, but those are so cute I would actually consider learning how just to make one! Luckily, there's also a knitted pattern on Berroco's site. *grin*
I'm making those too, but knit! Fun pattern.
Those are amazing!!! I'd like to know where you got the pattern too. Sorry to hear about Jude.
Those are amazing! I've added them to my Ravelry queue, and I don't even know how to crochet!
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