on the needles

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Two Famous Blondes

Hubbs hasn't emailed me the latest set of kitchen progress photos (we have grout! the tile is sealed! drywall sanded! cabinets delivered - TOMORROW!!!) - so for today, meet the last two Angel Fish.

Diana, with Rasputin in the background.

Diana is actually a golden Angel Fish (looks too light in the photo) and she is also a "veil tail" which means she has much longer fins than normal. She is also a "high fin". You can see why! She always carries her top fin high up like a Princess - hence her name. :)

This is Marilyn.

She is a "blusher" and also has a gorgeous veil tail. She trails her fins after her so gracefully when she swims. I always imagine a Hollywood Starlet in a convertible with a long gauzy white scarf. :) "Blusher" means that the skin over her gills is transparent so you can see the redness underneath & it makes her look like she is blushing.

I don't actually know if they are girls or not but since they are both "blonde" I decided to name them after the two most famous blondes I could think of - Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe. I'm goofy like that. :)



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