on the needles

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Today was pure chaos at Chez Needles, because today was appliance delivery day.

That's all I'm letting you see for now, but trust me, the appliances they are SWEET! Look at that fridge! What a beast! Somehow it is looking way bigger in my kitchen than it did at the appliance store. By the time we picked out the fridge I think I was in a daze from all of that stainless steel. All I heard was "48 inches" and knew I had to have it. ;)

Here's where the beast will be living.

All comfy and cozy in a built in wood surround. :)

Pretty much all of the bottom level cabinets have been set - except for the peninsula ones. No doors on yet. I hope the rest of the cabinet setting goes fast so maybe we can get the fridge hooked up.

Cold food storage would be nice. But I'm not holding out much hope since the electrical for the fridge isn't really finished yet. :(



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