Go Team DPN!
Well - I am either breaking the rules or a two timing Olympic ho because although I am officially doing Margene's Eddie Along, I also joined Whit's Olympic Team DPN!

I figure I can better fulfill the Eddie Along brief of "Enjoy the Process" if I am also following the Team DPN rule of "Poking as Many People as Possible With My Sticks". (LOL) I think I am going to knit some socks as my Olympic project - stop yawning! I found some cute patterns over at Sockbug that I hadn't seen before so I may try one of those, or not. Or I many stick with the patterns in Sensational Socks. Who knows?
See how relaxed I am about it? Don't you all wish you were Eddie Alonging instead of freverishly swatching/training for the Olympics? (LOL!) It's pretty impressive that Yarn Harlot says we have MORE Olympic knitters than there are actual Olympic athletes! I love the idea of all of us knitting - all over the world - at the same time. Someone call the local news! That's a great story!
Whit is going to be attempting the feat of knitting two socks AT THE SAME TIME on DPN's. I'm rooting her on - I think she can do it - but she may have a crazy look in her eye for the next couple of weeks! (LOL) If she does it, maybe I will try it.....
And hey guess what? Whit interviewed the Yarn Harlot for her podcast. Cool! I think it's a great idea to interview all of the "knitting Stephanie's" you can find. Well done Whit! (LOL)
And - since Sockmainia has hit blogland like a mac truck, me included - I decided to join the:

As a Red Soxs Fan I couldn't pass that one up. No knit along or anything, just a declaration of my submission to the sockmadness. Thanks Bonne Marie!
I'm glad that a few of you commented that you liked the Sharon Olds poems. I hope more people will discover her. :)
PS - Book Swap Buddy watch your mailbox...the package went out today and should arrive in about 3 -4 days....:)
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