on the needles

Monday, January 30, 2006

Houston - We Have a Podcast!

Woohoo! Whit's latest podcast is out. She did an awesome job as usual - and I'm not just saying that because I'm on this episode. Seriously!

But in the interest of shameless self promotion - go listen to the About Time podcast - because I'm on it!!

Okay - got that out of my system.

Now I have to add the disclaimer that despite what I sound like (and okay sometimes look like!) I am not really a fifteen year old surfer chick. Wow! Doesn't it always sound weird to you to hear your own voice on a recording? I always think - "I sound like THAT?" But I know I must because Whit on the podcast sounds exactly like what Whit on the telephone sounds like. So there you go.

Anyhooo - Whit has announced a contest! She will be giving away a very special afghan. All you have to do is submit a segment that she can air as part of her podcast. How cool is that? The tiny wheels in my brain are already turning....

In other news: I asked my children to choose aliases for the blog because I'm sick of just calling them "my son" and "my daughter". So from now on you will be hearing about Sir Lancelot and Princess Ariel. We will make that SL and PA for short. I love the self-image these nicknames project! Wouldn't it be hilarious if adults were as honest about how they wish to be perceived? Or about how they see themselves?


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