You Want Some FO? I Got Your FO Right Here. Finished Socks!
Here they are:

My first ever pair of handknit socks! :) They count towards the 2000 Socks and the Show Your FO KALS.
Pattern: 2x2 Ribbed Socks from Sensational Knitted Socks
Yarn: Twinkletoes "Medley" from OTR Yarns
Gauge: 30 stitches = 4 inches
Needles: Crystal Palace Bamboo DPN's size 1
Four things I learned from doing these socks -
1. Charlene Schurch's book is the BEST book for sock knitting. It is really a sock formula book rather than a pattern book. Love the flexibility this gives to the process of sock knitting.
2. LOVE her method of doing a garter stitch along the sides of the heel flaps. Really helps hide where you pick up the stitches so it looks entirely seamless.
3. How to add extra stitches to cover the gap at the top of the gusset. Brilliant!
4. Do not Kitchener at 4:00 am. I'm not one of those people who is freaked out by the Kitchener Stitch, but I think I pulled it a wee bit tight on the second sock due to the late/early hour and my desire to actually complete a pair of socks. I just couldn't put it down because I was THIS CLOSE to finishing. I'm sure you know how that is. Anyhow, I don't think anyone else would see anything wrong with the Kitchener on this sock, I'm just nit picking here.

In conclusion: Run - do not walk - to your LYS to pick up this book. I love it that much and so will you. :)
And yes, that's Luca and Henry in the background. You don't think any knitting would be going on around here without them do you? ;)
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