on the needles

Friday, May 27, 2005

Blogger Quirks

Does anyone else hate the cheesy spell check on Blogger? It doesn't seem to know many words which I would consider to be basic English. Forget about any "specialty" words. Blogger always suggests that I change "swatched" to "sweatiest". Abbreviations are not expected to be recognized but I still think it's funny that if I type in "LYS" Blogger thinks a better choice would be "lychee". Even sillier is that Blogger's spell check doesn't recognize the word Blogger - it suggests I meant "blowsier". Pundits complain that spell check has made humans to lazy to learn how to spell and pretty soon machines will take over the planet with their advanced intelligence and humans will be enslaved and have to learn to proof read. Well, when that happens I doubt Blogger will be elected the supreme leader of the machines. :)


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